senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


we can now: cut the number of civilian dod incompetants (managers, engineers, bean counters, etc.) from ten per job to two; put horses back on the street to pull trolleys; gaslight at night; homeschool our spawn.  it'll be quaint.  yea!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


american people will just love saving their money.  yes, can't wait for airports to install a couple of 40 watt bulbs like they have in kiev or toilet facilities like they have in Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport where upon entering you are met with a wall of stink requiring back pedaling quickly.


just a word about american empathy and charity ----

when in a fast food place in midtown manhattan, a person approached a table near me and asked the man there for a handout.  in an instant without hesitation the person reached into his pocket and gave the beggar a dollar.  i realized that in many parts of the world they know that another person would not beg for money unless they really needed it.

being, i think, a typical american i would ignore the beggar knowing there are places he can go to get sustenance or "just get a job".

then there are people from kentucky like rand paul who probably would give him a kick for motivation and laugh at him.

just sayin'.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


the cheney/bush administration was convinced that history would vindicate them about going into iraq.  the history of the iraq invasion gets more bizarre day by day.  if cheney/bush thought they were doing something great they were wrong.  their twisted, deceitful thinking should shame all of us especially republican media people who supported their self-indulgent, greed oriented ambitions.

every day in every way that decision gets worse!!!!!!


Sunday, February 24, 2013


semihysterical historians in all their scholarliness attempt to dramatize their subject and i applaud many of them.  several history teachers have entranced me by their performances like one on, ancient greece, or another, napoleon, taking an empty, burning moscow. but some have tried to tell the story of why the ... scum ... ooops, sorry .. i mean germans messed up when they tried to bomb out britain instead of invading the british isles.

the ... scum ... ooops, sorry ...  i mean the germans really didn't have any intention of invading britain.  they wanted the easy way.  afterall they could drive through poland because they were still fighting with swords and horses and the terrain is flat, kansaslike.  they could bomb and terrorize the netherlands and belgium because those countries had no defenses.  france is for lovers and had a trivial defense supposedly impenetrable called the maginot line.  any three year old could figure out what the scum  ... ooops, sorry  .. the germans would do, which was go around it.  a no brainer.

when it came to britain .. duh .. they would do what anyone with an 80 iq would do.  they took the easy way.  just bomb the crap out of them ,, ya, ya, ya  .. gut..  they had no intention of invading by sea.

they took europe.  pillaged, burned, murdered, and stole everything in sight somewhat like what red ants might do.  of course just bombing britain and advancing into russia in the wintertime is not overly bright.  so they froze in russia and stayed too long trying to kill british civilians.

they got off easy.  after about 50 million people died they went back to beer fests and singing drunken songs.




Saturday, February 23, 2013


 the greatest blogger of all time was albert einstein since no piece can exceed 140 characters or you lose your attention challenged audience.  he described everything in 7 characters.




actually i've seen engineers and scientists make a successful career by just saying:


only four characters.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


i am wondering about a bizarre birth scenario.  suppose some mythical person, lets say her name is ... ummm ... (at random) monica ... and while with a man accidentally acquires a smidgen of his DNA and then accidentally touches herself and in a gazillion to one shot has a baby.  is he financially responsible for the baby?

i think the law is rigged against him and he must pay.



Monday, February 18, 2013



they say that every time you remember something it changes a little bit like a photocopy.  after recalling a memory a thousand times it may not be the same as the original real event.


being in retirement, in my dotage (sorta') i dredge up a variety of mysteries that have occurred in my life.  i have nothing else of importance to do.

the other day and for the first time ever i was thinking of the timeline and mystery of the following events.


in mid-april 1953.  i had just received my induction notice having volunteered for the draft.  bizarrely, no one has ever given me credit for this seemingly patriotic and unselfish act but are quick criticize me for any self-indulgent action. 

at that time, on a saturday, (april 18, 1953 was a saturday) as fortuity would have it i met a woman with whom i had gone to school.  we spent about an hour chatting and our talk as i recall included:

1. her hot date for that night.  actually she said something more descriptive and i recall thinking that i didn't expect her to act better..


2. she asked me to write to her when drafted.  the pen-pal thing has never interested me except for my parents because they can send money.



the korean war ended in july 1953, and my father died in november 1953, and my mother intimidated the U. S. government for my release because she wanted me home, i was discharged with full honors and benefits - whatever they are - and sent home in december 1953.

shortly - sometime thereafter (i know not exactly when), my mother, part of the intricate grapevine in my neighborhood told me that our next door neighbor. who didn't know where children came from but had two of her own. had told her that my not-pen-pal lady friend had married and had a baby boy.

one late afternoon in the summer of 1954 while parking on my street, my not-pen-pal, and some of her relatives who lived in my large apartment building happened to be walking past my car.  there was no sign of husband or baby.



the window of opportunity was really small.  only seven and one half months had elapsed from april 18 to december 10, 1953.  the period for, not-pen-pal, probably included a proposal, an engagement, wedding preparation and execution, and time to make a baby even though they say the first child can happen at any time.  don't look at me because i'm as innocent as a new born baby --- oops  -- scratch that, i mean as fresh fallen snow.



A. during the summer of 1955 chatting quite by accident with a distant relative of my not-pen-pal.  she did not respond when not-pen-pal was mentioned.  obviously she was part of the cover-up.  now baby, husband, and not-pen-pal had apparently disappeared.

B. my friend raymond's sister who curiously happened to live on the same street as my son awhile back died mysteriously they say of old age. many years ago she had also lived in an apartment previously occupied by a relative of not-pen-pal.  her husband was a government official possibly a secret agent seeking these people.  possibly, i know too much.

C. while in nyc on a trip in 2006, i stopped by my street in the bronx and found to my surprise that my building was gone with all the evidence replaced by a sinister group private one family houses with wrought iron fences.

is this is a huge conspiratorial coverup?


have i overthought this?


if i had corresponded with not-pen-pal, she could only write and tell me how great her life was and how i will probably fight, suffer and die for my country (for young dick cheney and george w. bush if she could have known about them).  obviously, she was busy doing a lot of things at that time.  actually, i just don't get it.

let's see; she is getting married, having a baby, changing diapers, and writing me.  sure, no problemo.

WOMEN ..... !!!  ???????


yes, i have nothing better to do with my time.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


duke lost to maryland yesterday.  mike krzyzewski is just going through spring training before the ncaa tourney.  don't worry about a thing.  its a certainty -- sorta'.


Friday, February 15, 2013


1988 (so what)

wow!  saw a few minutes of marilou henner on an idiot women's daytime talk show and was really impressed by her.  at 61 she really looks great and frisky as far as i could see on a small screen tv, 8 feet away with my old eyes.

she discussed her diet of no dairy products and the inclusion of legumes.  i followed her instructions for most of yesterday except for milk in my coffee and half a box of sweetened breakfast food and i already feel 50 years younger except for the pain in my leg which is getting better and a few other things.


Thursday, February 14, 2013


well do you expect any other college team to win?  i don't think so.  two weeks ago the sports media were declaring it was all over, picking michigan, florida, kansas, and others who are now in the toilet.

boring as it is, it will be duke, duke, duke.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


yesterday, as i was thinking of my dream of being lost in queens, i recalled the only time i took a public bus from queens to the bronx.

i was on leave from the army (protecting america and young dick cheney) in november 1953 when my father died.  i arrived at mitchel air force base having gotten a lift on a B17 or B29 (one of those Bs) from a stop in st louis on my way from denver.  in order to return to THE BRONX i had to use public ground transportation and vaguely recall finally arriving in west farms square in the early morning.

although familiar with queens my sleeping-dream state has its own rendition of what that borough is.  in the 1930s it was a huge empty lot now converted to part of the megalopolis.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


being a born and bred NEW YORKER thrown into the wastelands of northern new jersey, i continually have dreams of being in NEW YORK CITY.   but i have on many occasions gotten lost in the borough of queens on the transit system.

last night i was returning to class at my school in queens from midtown manhattan; was going to ask directions from the token booth guy when i realized that i didn't know the location of the school.  i excused myself to look at the subway map.  arriving at the map i realized that i didn't know what i was looking for.

there have been many dreams of this type.  sometimes i take the wrong subway train and find myself on one of the queens lines trying to get back to the bronx train line.  other times i will ride to the end of the line and then try to get a bus to the bronx going across one of the bridges to the bronx.

the queens of my dreams is rural like you see on commuter lines (like ---- ummm ... new jersey transit).  my conscious self has been on queens lines; like out to shea stadium, and other places.  my sub conscious does not seem to be aware of the the passage of time.  all of its time is flat.  all things are capable of happening at the same time.  that is things that happened in the 1930s and things that happened in 2012 are in the same time picture.

when i die my final word will be, "BRONX", like in , "citizen kane", when he said, "rosebud".  i am lost outside the bronx.



Monday, February 11, 2013

saw, "good people", at the arena stage on saturday.  surprisingly entertaining play.  in a background of boston ethnic irish, we see how pride, stubbornness, and chance can affect lives.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

THERE ARE NO 10s, OR 9s, OR 8s

sorry ladies but i made a some terrible errors in my analysis the other day as explained to me by my wife.  my bad.  under the strictest scrutiny  i have recalculated the lady ratings and have found amazingly that the top ladies of all time are in this order: my wife, sacawagea, jean d'arc, and my mother-in-law followed almost unbelievably by all the ladies in my family.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


analyzing all the attributes of all (that means all) the women i have known or could have known or i saw in media (movies, tv, glossy magazines, etc.)  on a scale of 1 to 10, the highest rated woman is 6.43.  i have used the latest mathematical and statistical methods to evaluate both mental and physical attributes and stability using 50 separate characteristics.  if you need a companion it is recommended that an untrained doberman is preferable.


Monday, February 4, 2013


when the lights went out, where was hillary and why didn't she foresee it and do something about it? if i were rand paul i would fire her.


Friday, February 1, 2013


i'm really annoyed at the pretend elitists who claim they love the BBC news.  don't they notice that their reportage is not only not factual but also many times twisted and -- lets face it -- incompetent.  i watch BBC occasionally as i do, FOX NEWS, to see what's going on in the fantasy media world.

i see al jazeera has also joined the oil/financial complex although al gore their benefactor is in a denial state

anyway the important event this weekend is the ravens/49ers Super Bowl game.   i'm sorta rooting for the ravens but my gut thinks it will be a blowout for the 49ers.


the news of ed koch's death has just come over my tv.  the voice of reason, mayor koch, will be missed,
