senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


phillies lose.

obviously these playoffs are another republican capitalist money grubbing scheme. clearly the two best teams in baseball, the yankees and phillies should showcase their teams in a world series. but noooooo, we have to jigger up playoffs where inferior teams have a chance to make believe they are the best.

these exhibition games should be held after the world series.


steve jobs, unique among human kind had much to contribute to our universe.  one useful person among the 7 billion people and we lost him.  someone up there doesn't know what the hell he's doing.


of course the wall street protestor group will guillotine the wrong people.  i'm sure most wall street area workers are just trying to make a living.

the problem is how to get the crappy politicians, both republican and democrat, out and helpful people into office.  unfortunately there are no innocents in politics.
