senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


i turned off the world series, game seven, last night in the top of the first when it seemed obvious that the game was over.  the rangers were leading 2-0 and the only out came from an attempted stolen base or something.  this was going to be a blowout.  i'm going to sleep.

as it turned out i was wrong.  musial, slaughter and (harry the cat) brecheen prevailed as they did the last time i watched the cardinals in a world series in bernie's apartment on bryant ave, awhile back.


 " ... Autumn Clock Change Dates in ...2011
 ... U.S. Daylight Savings Time in 2011 Set your clocks backwards one hour, starting at 2:00 AM, on the first Sunday in November. ....

•DST 2011 - 6 November, 2011 ... "

the real reason for the date change is to avoid giving holloween trick or treaters an extra hour as occurred before 2007. 


" ... Republicans threaten to subpoena White House records. ... "

outrage is the last refuge of a whore.
