senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
redskins once again according to the wapo lost because of a "late score". the wapo makes "late score" sound like an illegal covert action by evil doers. overlooking and sidestepping the issue of criminal, illicit scoring near the end of the game should be stopped. the final score should be that score which was in full force and effect at the 58 minute mark. no sneaky "late scores" allowed.
media poll results appear to have a plus or minus 4% tacked on to them. they're not fooling me. poll publishers do not have a clue as to the real error involved. from incorrect questioning to strange data collection methods to not knowing what they're doing we cannot know the accuracy of the result and the media talking heads certainly don't know what they're talking about.
please don't try to explain. you can't do it even with those 300 college credits sitting on your butt..