senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


my WITOT ideology brings to mind my last gasp competitive experience like the quarterback's final season before he gets crushed never to return.

after a multi-year hiatus i returned to the morris county industrial chess league and entered at not my mediocre rating but a low one because WITOT (it was new jersey. any cheap trick will do.). i wound up matched against a kid and kicked his butt. yea! winning is the only thing.

sometimes, not often, the universe is in balance.  justice came quickly.  they found my old records and the next week matched me with an 1800 rated player who crushed me. that disaster was quickly followed up by being beaten by a woman. 

no problem.  women are the intellectual equal of men, yeah right, sob, groan.  a woman, aaarrrgghh.  a woman ........ NOOOOOooooooooooooooo ........

the end.  WITOT. 

