after the war with the germanbastards and japbastards the young men came home. it took awhile for them to adjust. slowly they differentiated themselves by moving into different trades and jobs and businesses. two brothers bought the candy store on my street which seemed to be foundering. they remarkably turned it into a booming center of neighborhood commerce. they started serving a variety of fast foods and soda fountain delights. they took in a juke box and a pinball machine. a bookie set up shop in and around the store. he always amazed me by his math skills. so superior to the phd mathematicians i knew in the defense dept.
one of the brothers married a perky young lady and seemed happy. the other brother married and his lady committed suicide. i just don't know anything about people or life.
the woman directly across the street who regularly revealed all yes all her female charms in her window got married and raised a family. on hot summer nights she lie on her bed next to her window running her fingers through her pubic hair. did she know i could see her? i didn't think so. i don't know. too shy to ever find out.
after the war one time i saw her from a distance wheeling a baby carriage. she may have smiled at me. maybe not.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.