senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, January 3, 2014


in the 19th century british traders exported opium to china which resulted in widespread addiction. this was one way to keep a population under your thumb and exploit them.

another way is to give them healthcare 24/7. you can camouflage and obscure your sleazy activities by insuring they are perpetually busy.

they can be kept fully occupied with: internet glitches; specialty doctors - cardiologist, urologist, psychologist, gynocologist, proctologist, eye, ear, nose, throat, podiatrist, etc., etc.; testing - assorted blood tests, tissue samples, bodily fluid samples, biopsies, stress tests, allergy tests, etc., etc.; probing every aperture in their bodies; prescribing a myriad of drugs to make them high, low, comatose, and useless; implanting catheters and other devices for control; keep their minds and bodies busy with diversions such as special diets and exercise regimens and timing of medications and a myriad of cures that will make them sick or sicker.

after all is said and done the system will be using all their time and they will be enslaved. a perfect capitalist ploy.

with a universal healthcare system it is easy having the public running from one medical person to another. you don't have to give them opium like the brits did.
