senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, November 16, 2012


the chances of my living another ten years are probably a lot less than 50%. soooooo, i am concerned as to how it will affect and appear to the rest of my little world.

before i die it is important that i outlive as many of the nitwits and other people that have annoyed me. this can only partially be accomplished. so i have to be satisfied with trying to optimize this goal. in the old days you could hang their shrunken heads outside your cave or tepee but today this would be frowned upon. you must be satisfied with attending their funeral and enjoying any food and drink supplied after the fun event.

the worst and most embarrassing thing about death is that your heirs will find all the bizarre things you have saved, bought, or cherished not in the order you gave them. most of the stuff has just been accumulated and not discarded but no one knows that except you. they will laugh and misunderstand and you will appear stupider than you already are and will gossip about it. this is the worst part of my impending demise.

bye, sob, sob, sob...................
