senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Friday, November 23, 2012

ceasefire in israel affects economy.  y'know, of course, that our military and contractors just LOVE the conflict. israel and gaza is our proving ground. testing anti- ballistic missiles and high tech ammunition and spending your dough.

meanwhile, we argue as to who is in the right.   ********************************************************************************************

Sunday, November 18, 2012


the paradigm of the grand bargain by congress will draw a line in the sand preventing going over the fiscal cliff.... whatever that is and whoever they are.  yea!

whew, and i was worried.


Friday, November 16, 2012


the chances of my living another ten years are probably a lot less than 50%. soooooo, i am concerned as to how it will affect and appear to the rest of my little world.

before i die it is important that i outlive as many of the nitwits and other people that have annoyed me. this can only partially be accomplished. so i have to be satisfied with trying to optimize this goal. in the old days you could hang their shrunken heads outside your cave or tepee but today this would be frowned upon. you must be satisfied with attending their funeral and enjoying any food and drink supplied after the fun event.

the worst and most embarrassing thing about death is that your heirs will find all the bizarre things you have saved, bought, or cherished not in the order you gave them. most of the stuff has just been accumulated and not discarded but no one knows that except you. they will laugh and misunderstand and you will appear stupider than you already are and will gossip about it. this is the worst part of my impending demise.

bye, sob, sob, sob...................


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


"birds do it, bees do it. Even educated fleas do it. Let's do it, let's fall in love. "


actually every civilian and military person working for the defense dept. is a security threat.  put them all under arrest.


Monday, November 12, 2012


this story has taken on all the characteristics of third rate gossip from a northern new jersey town. i feel like i'm home again in morris county. yea.



Saturday, November 10, 2012


what i learned from republicans during this election cycle:

the south will rise again;
the earth is flat and ends at the bermuda triangle;
evil sperm cells will be rejected by ladies' parts;
prayer improves things by 30% unless you pray to allah;
the universe was created on oct. 23, 4004 bc;
raising taxes on those who can afford it will increase taxes on those that pay none;
haircutting techniques have improved over the past 5000 years;
hurricanes are caused by homosexuals;
we are going over "THE FISCAL CLIFF" which will result in .... ummm ... less ipods being sold.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

forgotten losers of history:

1816 federalist party candidate, rufus king

1832 anti-masonic party candidate, william wirt

1836 whig party candidate, hugh lawson white

1848 democratic candidate, lewis cass

1852 whig party candidate, winfield scott

and of course

2012 republican party candidate, willard mitt romney.


Monday, November 5, 2012

in only two more days we kickoff for the hillary clinton presidential run.  thats after barry wins his second term tomorrow.

i still can't understand why the Rs in the red states are concerned with taxes when they are the ones R is talking about in the 47 percent.  everyone in the blue states i know are working their Bs off trying to be good people living a good life in this great country. 

just a bizarre world.  the Rs are living in an alternate space/time continuum.

speaking of an alternate space/time continuum, i sinned beyond redemption yesterday when i failed to put out the recycling.  i beg forgiveness ...... sob.
