the clinton dynasty began with his election as president of the united states in 1992. although he was greatly harassed by the opposing ugly party because of a minor indiscretion with a young woman who should have been more discreet. the nation prospered.
we were hijacked in 2000 by the opposing ugly, corrupt force of the bush administration who controlled the thugs on the supreme court and the war lords. the beleaguered clinton legacy survived through the incredible stupidity of these years thru 2008.
but we remembered and
clinton's guiding light prevailed. and it enhanced the eight years of the obama administration thru 2016 when we went into the greatest period of american growth with the hillary clinton administration.
in 2024 the kennedy clan reclaimed dominence; children and grand children and great grand children of the heirs of joe (the bastard) kennedy. they took the reins of our government and we have been a world power ever since.
bill clinton was awarded a posthumous FOUNDING FATHER appellation and statue next to ronald reagan on the mall in 2062 and we all lived happily ever after.
copyright 2999.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.