senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


what can that useless old man be doing ----  ?????????

i know my followers are really anxious to kmow what i've been doing with my valuable (150 year old) time. so, i'll tell you about all the world changing activities that i'm involved with.

a. continuing (and progressing ) on my 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  completion date now scheduled for spring 2013.

b. assembling a mini-hobby-greenhouse.  will have to build shelving and flooring before using it.  estimated completion in six weeks.

c. built another 4'x9" plant box.

d. attending to my plants and seedlings.

e. assembling (when i pass by it - on occasion) a large doll house.

f. do lawn chores and house maintenance only when absolutely necessary.

g. routine shopping, library, and banking trips.  this includes stops at home depot for supplies: lumber, nails, screws, paint, tools and gardening supplies, etc. (NOTE TO HOME DEPOT: TIPS ACCEPTED HERE.).

h.  visiting my doctors because they need the money.  i hope they're not offended as i disregard their instructions.  y'know they're not as smart as they think.

i. audio books, tv  (omiting political sleazes if possible), and naps fill in the slack time.

yes, i know this is more than you wanted to know.  tough!
