all the experts: kramer, scarborough, deutch, et al say facebook is going down. reasons include a gazillion customers with no money, and short attention spans.
you stock market hounds should be aware that this is what risk is about. buying this stock is a risk. you can lose your money. thats what risk means. don' t cry to me. it can go down and disappear when the next hot internet thingy appears.
on the other hand the experts are wrong a lot. you may have a chance to make a lot of bucks so you can lose them on the next hot issue. lotsa luck, suckers.
diablo 3 unveiled yesterday. breathlessly i awaited the reviews on amazon. sadly my expectations were dashed and crushed. 363 users who anted up the $60 initial cost plus internet costs were disappointed and hurt by the various problems, redtape, and game. they gave it one star- the worst rating. only 185 users were satisfied rating it five stars. my usual approach to buying an item is if the item has an approval rating of 10:1. this item has a 1:2 ratio.
i'll go back to diablo 2 (or 1) which were interesting games with very few problems.