senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

business entities are stockpiling money.  they say its because employees want wages, and benefits.  the govt. wants taxes.

things were obviously so much better in the dark ages when there were no wages or benefits or specific taxation.

we must return to the good olde days.


just switched the tv to imus on fox business for some intelligent discussion after the introduction of that ignorant foreign nitwit, dr. zbgniew, remnant of the (ugh) carter era on scarborough.

would he be on if he weren't mika's daddy?


another mouth to feed with the seven billionth person born the other day.  i don't think we're having enough abortions.  businessmen just look on it as another ten cent an hour employee and a consumer.  mmmmm, monnnneyyyy!


another woman has come forward to accuse herman cain of harassment.  in the defense dept. if you asked the typist to type something it was harassment.  do women imagine or make up stuff?  you betcha.
