just sayin'
i know i've been letting italy off the wwii hook. we americans love death bed conversions. as previously mentioned in an earlier blog, late in the war with the bastardgermans, bronx park on weekends was filled with ex-italian soldiers, enjoying the freedoms of this country and their paisanos company from the 187th street area.
vaguely i recall a crowd of them at the elephant house wearing their uniforms with some pow identification having a good time. as you do not know italy embraced the germanbastards at the start of wwii but switched in sept. 1943.
after the war they changed the country's name to new jersey.
this sorta apologetic wikipedia article spins their history: (i'm always fair and balanced) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Italy_during_World_War_II
yes, i'm still fighting wwii. i'm not letting france totally off the hook either. they were first against the germanbastards then southern (a/k/a vichy) france was for them. they go all ways. and since you don't know we fought them in north africa:
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch
and as you know humphrey bogart, ingrid bergman, and paul henreid helped us out in casablanca. and then again humphrey bogart as tank commander also attacked from the east in sahara.
(to be continued)
or better yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YGXsw3XK9I&feature=related