senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


it is trick or treat time in wash. dc for new congressional members.  being that the lobbyists are loaded with assorted gifts and cash, i suggest you dress up like a congressperson and extort stuff from lobbyists.  your moral standing will be no worse than theirs.  go for it.


the weekend newspapers revealed that:  

"The CIA granted some Nazis entry to the US for intelligence gathering purposes after World War II, the New York Times reported, citing a 600-page report ...  "

why is this news?  30, ,, 40, .. 50, years ago i could have pointed out several suspects in new jersey. 

from defecting hessians during the revolutionary war, german and italian people jumping ships from axis nations just before wwii, bund meetings before they were banned and supposed emigres working at my defense dept. installation the whole state of (ugh) new jersey is suspect.

and what about bigfoot and his wife bigmouth.
