senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


in the movie, "The Dead" which is from "the dubliners" by james joyce, angelica huston plays joyce's wife and at the end is deeply troubled when recalling the loss of an early love. she also had lots to drink probably helping her into this state of mind.

actor james dunn also drunk playing the piano and singing, "annie laurie", in, "a tree grows in booklyn". dorothy mcguire clearly realizes that there was an unforgettable woman somewhere in his past.

in mr. holland's opus jean louisa kelly sings, "someone to watchover me". poignant moment. when mr. holland's wife, in the audience, is seen understanding that there is a relationship she can be concerned about between her husband and kelly. she shouldn't worry because he knows it will not fly. men have some brains (in their head).

french lieutenant's woman i teared up when meryl streep and jeremy irons finally consummated their love. the sexual tension was unbearable.

my unrequited love occurred when i was six years old with barbara next door on Kelly street and her friend, the irish girl (thats all i remember, "the irish girl".

just sayin'