senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


i can see trump and carson running for president and vice president:

trump: between us we own over 50% of the republican vote. i'd like you to be my veep.

carson: ho hum - ok. but we may lose the election.

trump: i know but we'll be written in history. you can't buy history.

carson: true - lets go for it. yawn.....


Tuesday, October 27, 2015


y'know everyone concentrates on the downside of being old. there's an upside which most ignore.

on the upside:

you get out of doing trivial demeaning activities.

"take out the garbage". "i''m too old and weak".

you can fake stuff

my arm hurts.

never be embarrassed

your pants fell down.   who cares.

avoiding visitors

bratty children with colds and other people keep out.

get out of doing anything

sorry, i forgot.

pretend you're deaf



Sunday, October 25, 2015


i am recommending the following films whose stories involve persons of irish descent.

"only the lonely"

"the catered affair"

"a tree grows in brooklyn"

movies i liked with interesting people.

bye, have a nice day.


Friday, October 23, 2015


the republican benghazi committee made total fools of themselves interrogating hillary yesterday in the most ungentlemanly way. they have no shame she was there for about 12 hours taking indiscriminate republican fire. up to yesterday i felt reluctant to go to the polls but repub bad behavior and hillary's clear and honest answers convinced me to vote for her.

the committee convinced me that they beat their wives.

frequent breaks by the men showed that men need 30 minute breaks before they can go again. y'know what i'm sayin'?

she was under oath i believe so her testimony must have been ok.

women are certainly stronger and smarter than men especially republican oafs as demonstrated.


Thursday, October 22, 2015


freedom (ughh) party becoming civilized? where's cliven bundy when you need him?

btw: i'm sending jeb!'s pac 100 million dollars today. he needs it to fix the election and the supreme court. where's my checkbook? go jeb!. go jeb!. just go.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


a class from a local charter school (in ..ugh... nj) would arrive and meet at the local YMCA. they arrive in a rusted out, unsafe appearing vehicle.

the ...ummm... so-called teachers consisted of one seedy looking older man who seemed to mostly to sit and watch the .ummm.. activities and two dried up women who might qualify for wicked witches from OZ or macbeth. none of them appeared to be qualified.

charter schools are profit making sorta' faux educational businesses. much of the time the kids played dodge ball. a game where they try to kill each other with a ball. very educational for future republicans.

it was interesting that the shortest kid, a wise ass tried to insult and demean me. it must be that he never came up against an adult who responded to him for fear of losing their job.

well this should be fun i thought. a few choice remarks about losing his hair and death could ruin his life and could make him sufficiently neurotic to be in need of professional analysis.

i am such a softy. i just called him "shorty" hoping the other nasty kids may pick up on it and make him slightly miserable. i am so nice.

anyway --- in conclusion education is not a business. kill charter schools.


Monday, October 19, 2015


"NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin was corrected on-air yesterday after a live report that implied a Palestinian terrorist who charged at officers brandishing a knife didn’t have a weapon on him."

so called nbc reporter is a propaganda plant for palestinians and muslims. nbc didn't correct him the other day for over a period of an hour until truth was somewhat revealed. he made out that an innocent young palestinian was shot in the back by israeis. the innocent young palestinian broke through a secure checkpoint in a camouflaged shirt wielding a knife in one hand and some other item (not identified yet) in the other and threatened others ran down to a gate for tourists and visitors with these weapons and was shot.

why is this person still employed by nbc when others have been fired for much, much, much less. i see christiane amanpour (cbe) is still around also. get rid of her - another liar.

"MSNBC reporter Ayman Mohyeldin had to be corrected on-air on Wednesday..."

fox news seemed to be the only network who got this story straight.

i watched this story unfold for over an hour. the only thing i was impressed by was the loyalty of jose diaz ballart trying his best to make excuses for this scumbag mohyeldin. does anyone else on msnbc have the cajones to tell it as it is?


Sunday, October 18, 2015


in the book catch 22 (1961) there is a segment called the man in white. it describes a wounded soldier in a hospital bandaged from head to toe. he presumably receives nutrients via a clear liquid through a tube connected to an I V.

another tube connected to a bag on the floor collects a clear fluid from the man in white. a nurse periodically switches bags.

eventually they take him away presumably dead.

although i read this book over 50 years ago this scene remains with me.


having been in the hospital and icu several times last year i can tell you similar stuff like this happens all the time.

never mind.

have a good day. yea, yea, yea.



Wednesday, October 14, 2015


deliberately missed the dem. debate yesterday. i'm drowning in political bs.

whatever hillary says just doesn't matter: her day trading of cattle futures and making a lot of money is enough proof of her character.
at least donald trump would probably say he knew some powerful people who can do this.

if i vote it will probably be an against republican vote.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


an article on the internet this morning said that milk from another species is bad for you (cows are not people although corporations are.) and if you're not a baby all milk is bad for you.

as you know all cheese, ice cream, and butter and many cakes, cookies, sauces, etc. are made from milk.

does anyone out there besides big pharma know what they're doing? i doubt it.
we can sell you a pill which can neuter milk for ... ummm .. $1000 a month.
thanks suckerrrrrrrr's.

can republicans really sell you on this crap? i guess so.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


my wife's family owned a house in eastern europe over 100 years ago. out of curiosity we visited the town about 20 years ago. the authorities knew of the pre-nazi, pre-communist ownership.

two reasons we didn't press our ... ummm ... rights if we had any were:
who wants a house in eastern europe bastardland and the possible division of a house sale at that time was very little. not worth any effort.

i sorta' did a very rough calculation dividing the number of possible heirs (500?) into my estimated value of the house although appearing well maintained in a sorta' remote east european town and came up with about $20 american.

the people actually living in the house may have claims for their improvement of the property or some other stuff. i wouldn't be surprised if pressing our claim would cost our family a lot. also eastern europeans may want to kill us besides.

never mind. keep it!

.........i know nothing.............


Monday, October 5, 2015


i guess i appear to be a mentally and physically falling apart old man. every one wants to help me. the sales person at the store asked me about putting in the new fixture. i told him i know it is very complicated, "you put the black wire with the black wire, the white wire with the white wire and the ground wire with the ground screw or ground wire". i know this is very tough for phd scientists and engineers but i'm a genius.

drum roll....


Saturday, October 3, 2015


i'm starting to think trump could do just as good a job at foreign relations and defense as the presidents back to and including reagan.

in trump's defense dept.:
sec'y of defense elmer fudd
sec'y of air force bugs bunny
other top positions should include, wiley coyote, daffy duck, et al.
and porky pig for leader of the house of rep.


Friday, October 2, 2015


doing my best to become a skins fan in addition to my personal favorites, giants and jets. skins have disappointed me game after game. i might as well stick with the ny/nj teams, win or lose. sorry, skins.


Thursday, October 1, 2015


people think he'll never get his agenda legislated because of republican strength in the congress.

clearly if sanders gets nominated and elected president all the bizarre gerrymandering, supreme court rulings, and all the king's horses and all the king's men will not be able to put the republican congress together again.

i'd be relieved that their twisted, untrue views of reality would be thrown out with the garbage.
