we only support winners. yankees, who are they? nationals, huh. whut?
after the skins scored with one and a half minutes to go yesterday, i said, " but we've got eli". my wife said, " who's that?". "eli manning, nothing to worry about". on the next play he threw the winning touchdown. my only concern was there was still a minute on the clock. they shoulda run some time off the clock before scoring the expected certain score. just kidding. go giants.
being that i was a ny baseball giant fan, i see the san francisco giants are hosting the final game in the national league playoffs and i'll support them right up to the minute they're sent home.
obama who's that? his image is starting to fade in my mind. i can't wait 'til lds men in black suits flood our neighborhood parking lots and after romney/ryan suck up to the arab oil interests there will be burka clad women all over. just make sure they haven't strapped on some ied of course iuds will be illegal.
senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.