senior, old age, second childhood, sickness and death, ain't we got fun.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

yesterday, while wandering around, k-mart (yes k-mart -- eat it) i picked up a couple of items headed over to checkout and found lines six carts deep.  i put the stuff (i really don't need) down and left the store.

somehow the k-mart/sears people don't get it.  at the harvard business school, wharton school, et al the k-mart/sears management should have learned that selling an item requires the taking of money to finalize the action and at peak holiday periods  they may have more business than usual.  when you have more business than usual you should put on extra help of a temporary nature so that you can optimize business activity.

since i have taught and given you the equivalent of three college credits you can reimburse me with the appropriate monies.  i will expect a payment of $3000.  thank you.
